Sunday, September 12, 2010


This is totally random, but something I've been thinking a lot about.
While I was at Truman (for 5 years), I had the opportunity to work closely (omg this sounds sketch) with Troy Paino for some design work and I always thought he was such a great and fantastic man. I'm happy that he's da prez, but kinda wish I was still at Truman because I had such a lame-o president. Anyway, he's da bomb! He was always so approachable and nice and you can really tell he cares about Truman, something I never got from Babs. That and no one really took her seriously. I'll always remember the time I almost hit her with a frisbee and I picked it up in front of her and said, "Excuse me," and she didn't even acknowledge me. To be fair, I didn't address her because I didn't even know it was her! But she could've been a bit more polite.

lol why does that dumb bulldog look so silly/angry? You don't have authority over T-Pain, you're just a mascot.

- J.

1 comment:

  1. does Troy know theres a giant bulldog looking over his shoulder? I think not.
